The fifth day of the International Pastors and Partners Conference (IPPC), has witnessed several enlightenment segments. They include the segment with Pastor Biodun Lawal, the Zonal Pastor of Christ Embassy Accra Ghana, a talkshow on how brethren can be more involved in Advocacy and Protagonism for kingdom causes, series of workskops for various class of interests which threw more light on what is happening in some ministry aspects and how Pastors and Partners around the world can be more involved in them.

After the Healing School’s presentation on consolidating on the gains of the previous Healing Streams Live Services, which was presented by Pastor Deola Philips, Reverend Tom Amenkhienan came up for a super session where he ministered on: “A Loveworld Partner, A Global Influence, A Kingdom Brand, An Eternal Star Of Greater Glory”.

He reminded the delegates that the Loveworld Partner is special, and is truly God’s indispensable asset that God has chosen him/her to reign in influence and affluence. With this, he said “I am God’s potent instrument for blessing and changing the world. God is expanding my fronts.
The morning session was truly a time of glory, spiritual influence and affluence to the glory of God.