The sixth day of the International Pastors and Partners Conference, IPPC, was a higher dimension of God’s grace and glory as the Saturday morning session progressed. The President of the Loveworld nation, Reverend Chris Oyakhilome, D.Sc, D.D, shared with excited delegates on the realities of the Kingdom life and why the Church should be ready to be raptured at any time.
Using passionate descriptions, he threw more light on what the Rapture of the Church represented, which he referred to as the ‘First Flight’. He explained ‘end time’ events the Church should look forward to, stressing why no christian should be around during the time of the Great Tribulation.
Several delegates could not sit still as Pastor Chris explained events like the “Marriage Supper of the Lamb”, the 1000 years saints will rule with Christ on earth, the two agents of the anti-Christ that will be cast into hell, Satan that will be thrown into the bottomless pit, among several others.
While reminding the Church that the Rapture will not be announced, he told everyone to look forward to more ‘end time’ activities like the war with Jerusalem after the rapture of the Church, the third world war, the last enemy that will be destroyed which is death, the bride of Christ that will be a beautiful city, among several others the bible already explained.
He rounded off the session, asking everyone to pray for themselves to always be ready for the Rapture, more than ever before.